I.C.T Overview
The term "I.C.T" is referred to Information and communication Technology, basically it is an integration of software based hardware which are connected through each other through a link. The means of communication between the interfaced hardware can be wired or wireless. Since mid 80s this integrated technology was receiving good reviews but the beginning of twenty first century was a break through for it. Now this technology has become matured enough to create a niche for it.
The set of some audio visual devices which perform different functions but when they are linked with each other through some specific communication system, they work for a special purpose to form a system configuration. I.C.T allows the communication of telephone lines, computer networks, mobile communication , cable T.V, home automation, office automation etc. The most important of information and communication technology is this that it allows the user to transmit, receive and manipulate data. If the established network is wireless then the heavy cost of wires can be avoided.